Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Bucket List

  1. travel the world- I would like to spend most of my life exploring the world. I want to travel to third-world countries and do charity work for children there. Also I want to experience the vast cultures from around the world and experience other societies. And of course I'd like to visit the Louvre in Paris and the Vatican in Rome to see the great works of Michelangelo and Van Gogh.
  2. design a fashion line- I'm very artistic and love fashion so I would like to design and create my very own fashion line.
  3. have children- I want to experience motherhood and watch my children grow up. I'd even like to adopt to provide a child love and care. To be a parent will be the highlight of my life.
  4. read the entire Harry Potter series- I've read the entire Hunger Games series and fell in love. Everyone is obsessed with Harry Potter so I figure I might as well read and see if its worth all the praise.
  5. learn how to play guitar- I got a guitar for Christmas but before I could play it the strings broke and I never replaced them. I love music and would like to be able to produce some if I can fix my guitar and get some lessons.

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